Developer : Mandai Estate Development Pte Ltd
Address : 21 Mandai Estate Road Singapore 729913 ( Click for location map )
District : D25 - Admiralty/ Woodlands
Tenure : Freehold
Total Units : 115
Global forces such as rapid urbanisation, population growth, changing consumer trends and technological advancements continue to transform the future of food. In alignment with Singapore’s goal to strengthen food security and on-going efforts towards an innovative and productive food industry, Food Vision @ Mandai supports a rising demand for food facilities to deliver vital sustenance to our community and beyond.
- 115 units from 1,700sf
- No void space
- High floor-to-floor height up to 5.95m
- Common loading and unloading at doorstep
- Dedicated kitchen exhaust shaft
- Roller shutter and separate door access
- Provision of sunken floor for cold room and kitchen operation
- Proximity to upcoming Sungei Kadut ECO district and Northern Agri-Tech and Food Corridor
- No Additional Buyer's Stamp Duty
- Suitable for food processing or packaging, central kitchen, cold room, food catering and others
Whatsapp 93393838 Daniel Koh For more information
开发商 : Mandai Estate Development Pte Ltd
地址:21 Mandai Estate Road Singapore 729913(点击查看位置图 )
地区 : D25 - Admiralty/ Woodlands
快速城市化、人口增长、不断变化的消费趋势和技术进步等全球力量继续改变着食品的未来。为了与新加坡加强食品安全的目标和为创新和高产食品行业的持续努力相一致,Food Vision @ Mandai 支持对食品设施不断增长的需求,为我们的社区及其他地区提供重要的食物。 - 1,700 平方英尺的 115 个单位 - 没有空白空间 - 层高高达 5.95 米 - 门口共同装卸 - 专用厨房排气轴 -卷帘和独立门入口 - 为冷藏室和厨房操作提供下沉式地板 -靠近即将到来的Sungei Kadut ECO区和北部农业科技和食品走廊 - 无额外买方印花税 - 适用于食品加工或包装、中央厨房、冷库、餐饮等 的
Whatsapp 93393838 Daniel Koh 了解更多